Tuesday 8 December 2009

Analysis of 'New Moon' Poster

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This particular film poster caught my attention due to its enchanted forest background, although it has quite Gothic element as well which is quite explicit to the reader by the faint sunlight and the fog (most dominant in the right hand corner). The font is simple, in the center of the screen at the bottom of the poster. The yellow font stands out against the dark background and parallels the glow of moonlight visible through the trees. 'New Moon' is in a larger font which makes it more prominent to the reader. An effect is used to create a more supernatural feeling to the poster where lines fade up above and below certain letters. (N,M,N) The same line runs vertically across underlining the title ( which again highlights it ) and then again below the same line, with a half moon between a divide in the centre. This small logo is very effective as it captures the readers eye and parallels with the title but does not distract their attention from the main image. Below this line is the date which again is a very important piece of information. However the title and the date is the only information this poster gives. I think that it is essential to include a quote on the poster which is memorable and catchy to the target audience. I also think a website is important for the modern audience the posters aimed for.

The main image is of Edward, Jacob and Bella. Their complicated love triangle is shown through the positions of each actor. Bella is turned towards the camera, eyes straight ahead and her body is adjusted towards Edward, as if she is pursuing him. Jacob is blocking her path and holds a protective arm out in front of her torso, although this is contrasted by Bella's hand upon Jacobs arm, as if she is comforting him, whilst still eager to reach Edward. Edwards figure is closest to the camera, his body is straight but his face and eyes (like Jacobs) are avoiding the camera, looking down. Jacob and Bella are both in neutral brown clothing, suggesting to the audience a link between them both. This also blends well with the natural background and lighting. Edwards clothing is grey and black, conveying his separation from the other two.

The main source of light within the image is in the far right corner above Bella and Jacob. The moonlight from the sky is shining prominently through the thick forest. This again parallels with the title and emphasizes it to the target audience. The outline of the trees which are visible to the audience through the moonlight seem to be prickly and full of thorns, giving the forest a forbidding ere and emphasizing on the Gothic genre of the movie.

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