Friday 4 December 2009

Analysis of 'A Cinderella Story' Film Poster

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I chose to analysis this particular film poster as it is a perfect example of a modern 21st century fairytale. The post itself contains many simple yet typical conventions which parallel a fairytale. I have also used this particular film within my research already and am aiming to contain consistency to achieve an in depth analysis of similar, successful teasers. I have also analysed and studied the original production of 'Cinderella' (created by Walt Disney) comparing it to Vladimir Propps theory.

The Princess is being carried by the Prince in an unconventional fairytale way, she is placed upon his back which suggests a more modern context and also emphasizes their relationship to the audience.

'A Cinderella Story' The title is in blue bubble font, with a lightening affect from the top. It is placed to the left of the poster and overlaps part of the main image although it does no obstruct it. Although the readers attention is grabbed by the actors and their costumes, the title does not divert their attention from this but compliments the white background and still is clear and visible to the audience.


The two main characters (Cinderella and Prince Charming) are captioned on a plain white background using a full body shot. Both actors names (Hilary Duff, Channing Tatum) are positioned at the top of the poster, in bold black font. This is to explicitly emphasize to the target audience that these actors are the stars and both of their large fan bases secure interest in the film. Duff and Tatum have been in many modern, successful, teenage films and have great reputation within their work.


The costumes within this poster are very significant to convey the genre of film as well as the setting. The Princess is dressed in a stereotypical white ball gown, which emphasizes the title 'A Cinderella Story'. She also has a tiara placed in her hair which again emphasizes on her part within the story line. Both of these link to the typical conventions of a fairytale and therefore convey the genre of the film to the audience. However poking from beneath her white ball gown there are a pair of pink converse (a popular,modern fashionable shoe.) The pair of converse parallel Prince Charmings casual yet modern t-shirt and jeans and both create a contrast with the ball gown and tiara. The production of this poster has been focused on costume to create the distinctive 21st century fairytale plot which the film is advertising.

''This film is what dreams are made of''

They include a quote from a famous magazine to encourage the target audiences interest within the film as it supports its reputation.

''Once upon a time... can happen anytime.''

I found this tag line on another version of a poster for the film. It was placed exactly in the place of the quote from the magazine. However i think that using a tag line will capture the readers attention more and also this particular tag greatly emphasizes the modern 21st fairytale genre. Its quite short and catchy but sums the overall plot up without revealing too much information.

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