Tuesday 22 September 2009

I chose to anaylise A Cinderella Story for my research into film trailers as i think it has a similar genre and target audience as the type of teaser trailer which i am trying to produce. The trailer starts with magical, fairy like music which emphasizes the theme. The narrator starts with 'Once upon a time, in a land called..' which is a typical conventional begining to a fairytale. However this theme is then changed abruptly when the narrator says 'Los Angeles' and the viwers initial impressions of the theme of the film are changed. Although the magical instrumental music is still playing in the background, which still indicates a fantasy and very chick film. A close up shot of a fairly average blonde, teenager which also emphasizes on the specific target audience this trailer is trying to appeal to. The narrator then goes on 'Who lived with her wicked stepmother...' again the omniscent voice is creating a fairytale theme. This is again contrasted and modernized into a 21st century world by the actress, who talks in an American accent, with sunbed goggles on which adds to the commercal aspect of the trailer when she burns herself after being 'wicked' to her step-daughter. The trailer is 0:30's in and is already outlining an ongoing storyline to the audience. I think the tecnique used where the narrator illustrates a fairytale story and the captions create a modern 21st century comedy, chick flick creates a versatile, imagenative and unpredictable movie which will deffinatly capture the attention of the target audience.

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