Thursday 24 September 2009

I have decided to add a poll to my blog asking the public which trailer they think successfully captures their attention through their portrayal of the characters. This is because i want to do an in-depth character analysis to gain ideas and inspiration of how to create the perfect characters for my film trailer.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

I decided to look at some trailers that wern't based on modernized fairytales and had other elements and tecniques to capture a young teenage girls attention, which would be my main target audience for my film trailer. Aswel as including conventions of a typical fairytale remake, i also want to include a storyline which portrays deceit, lies and envy. By doing this i feel that the target audience will be more interested as a typical 21st century school centers around all these things. By including these the setting of a modern school will become more obvious to the audience. I mainly focused on the portrayal of different characters within this trailer. Within this trailer i mainly looked at the characterization of the main character Sebastian, who is played by Ryan Phillippe, a famous actor whose image would attract the target audience. Throughout the trailer Sebastian is conveyed as a manipulating, scheming and yet remarkably cunning character.

''Im sick of sleeping with these insipid Manhattan debutantes, nothing shocks them anymore.''

At 0.30 seconds, Sebastian is given a proposal of a new 'mission' and a medium shot is used to capture Sebastian's reaction. He is in a standing position, with his head bent down and his attention appears to be on a pink orchid. Upon the works ''I have a mission for you.''  Sebastian's head raises up slowly and curiously which shows his sudden interest in the conversation. His apparent 'boredom' with life and its lack of female challenges his obvious here as he is obviously eager to challenge himself. 
The setting in this shot also gives the audience a small insight into his place in society. Sebastian is obviously a well off, educated teenager, this is also emphasized by the way he is dressed, his accent and the language he uses. In just 30 seconds of the trailer, Sebastian has been successfully conveyed as an enduring character for teenage girls, his intelligence and social status and general image captures their attention. 

''Introduce her to your world of sex, drugs... What else do you do?''

The trailer is again narrated by Sebastian's evil and vindictive sister who goes on to illustrate another side of Sebastian. A tracking shot is used at 00:37 which lasts for approximately 3 seconds where the narrators voice is used over the top of Sebastian in a classic Jaguar traveling down a country lane towards a mansion, both of these again emphasize Sebastian's status in society. He is obviously very well off, a trait that again attracts the target audience to him. Sebastian's image is continually being heightened to capture the interest of teenage girls, they will want to see this movie because of his character.

''She'll be my greatest victory''

His 'Cruel Intentions' are made clear to the audience, 
I decided to look at this modern remake of Disneys classic fairytale, Beauty and the Beast. The main character and 'outcast' of society, Penelope, is narrating the trailer and opens it with a typical fairytale line, with a twist.

''Most fairytales start with a girl and a dream, mine started with a scandal and a family curse...''

I think this style of narration emphasizes the type of trailer i am aiming to create. I think that by using the original conventions of a fairytale and then twisting them allows the trailer to create the illusion of the magic within a fairytale and the modernized storyline which the film centers around.
I chose to anaylise A Cinderella Story for my research into film trailers as i think it has a similar genre and target audience as the type of teaser trailer which i am trying to produce. The trailer starts with magical, fairy like music which emphasizes the theme. The narrator starts with 'Once upon a time, in a land called..' which is a typical conventional begining to a fairytale. However this theme is then changed abruptly when the narrator says 'Los Angeles' and the viwers initial impressions of the theme of the film are changed. Although the magical instrumental music is still playing in the background, which still indicates a fantasy and very chick film. A close up shot of a fairly average blonde, teenager which also emphasizes on the specific target audience this trailer is trying to appeal to. The narrator then goes on 'Who lived with her wicked stepmother...' again the omniscent voice is creating a fairytale theme. This is again contrasted and modernized into a 21st century world by the actress, who talks in an American accent, with sunbed goggles on which adds to the commercal aspect of the trailer when she burns herself after being 'wicked' to her step-daughter. The trailer is 0:30's in and is already outlining an ongoing storyline to the audience. I think the tecnique used where the narrator illustrates a fairytale story and the captions create a modern 21st century comedy, chick flick creates a versatile, imagenative and unpredictable movie which will deffinatly capture the attention of the target audience.

A Cinderella Story Trailer


I have decided to create a teaser trailer for a film for my A level coursework. I have chosen to produce a trailer as i am interested in the film industry and will enjoy the research and planning needed to create a successful trailer. I decided not to choose to produce a music video as i feel that using a song will create limitations in the production. Im working in a group of four and we have decided to create a romantic, comedy genre based film. As well as the teaser trailer, we also will be producing a poster and a film magazine front cover which will both be featuring the film. Firstly we drafted out some ideas and decided to focus on a fairy-tale theme, however we aimed to modernize it into a 21st century chick flick. We then went on to individually create our own storyboards including ideas for music, time and a variety of angles.